Categories Fashion

Duty-Free Shopping to Look Good for Less

Well there’s perhaps a lot more depth to the saying that traveling opens up one’s mind and exposes you to a whole lot of different things from different perspectives, but one of these little insights only has something to do with the seemingly little-known world of duty-free shopping. You may Continue Reading

Categories Lifestyle

A World of Unmet Expectations

I personally have to go all the way back to my childhood to remember any moment in time when I can honestly say I experienced complete satisfaction – that moment when you finally get exactly whatever it is your heart desires. I guess it’s just one of those joys of Continue Reading

Categories Lifestyle

Do Your Feet Get Enough Action?

You avoid walking around barefoot, wearing shoes that cause skin irritation through their contact with your feet and you probably even avoid walking any chance you have, all in the name of “saving” your feet and perhaps protecting them from the wear-and-tear that results in some ugly feet, but are Continue Reading

Categories Lifestyle

Ideas for Wedding Gifts That Won’t Collect Dust

Although the gift-giving custom never fails to raise questions of relevance, we kind of fall into it with every next special occasion that comes around. In the case of weddings however, the gift-giving custom is suitably justified because it’s just a really nice way of helping out a newly-wed couple Continue Reading